Hotel & Accommodations
Make sure to mention the High Desert Stampede when reserving your room!
Hotels & Accommodations
Eagle Crest Resort
(877) 790-6271
1522 SW Cline Falls Rd
Redmond, OR 97756
Save 20% by telling them you're coming
for the High Desert Stampede ProRodeo!
Super 8 - Redmond
(541) 548-8881
3629 SW 21st Place
Redmond, OR 97756
Motel 6 - Redmond
(541) 923-2100
2247 S Hwy 97
Redmond, OR 97756
SCP Redmond
(541) 508-7600
521 SW 6th Street
Redmond, OR 97756
Comfort Suites - Redmond
(541) 504-8900
2243 SW Yew Avenue
Redmond, OR 97756